Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 13 Ιουλίου 2007, Παρίσι


AGENDA of the Meeting of the Work Group Trade in Services of the ACE

Venue: Tour Maine Montparnasse- 33 Av. du Maine BP 154 - F-75755 Paris Cedex 15
Date: 13 July 2007 (10.30 - 16.00)

1. Apologies for absence

2. Introductions

(ACE President J-F Susini & Co-ordinator, Thematic Area Professional Practice & Trade in Services P-H Schmutz)
Context: (Trade in Services work group chairman, John Wright)
· Multi-lateral framework (WTO/WPDR, offers/requests, 33 committee, ESF);
· Bi-lateral framework:
     - reactive MRAs e.g. following FTAs for market access;
     - proactive MRAs e.g. based on other activity (e.g. TEP, ECTI)
     - political under-pinning needed for market access cf. Canada, USA;
· other prospective approaches (co-operation agreements, other interests)

3. Terms of reference

4. Bi-lateral framework (Mutual Recognition Agreements [MRAs])

- current negotiations (cf. EU Commission's FTA agenda) - up-date on progress in the Joint Council for the EU-Mexico FTA;
- other ACE negotiations (e.g. Canada, USA )
- recent ACE approaches (Hong Kong, Singapore)
- new Commission priorities (ASEAN, India, Republic of Korea)
- stalled ACE negotiations (China, Chile) - revive? abandon?

5. Prospective approaches relating to other EU activities, co-operation agreements and other interests e.g. Brazil, MERCOSUR, Morocco

- tour de table to elicit proposals and designate lead-members
- draft Accord with Union of Architects of Russia

6. Equivalencies

- Develop manner in which training/experience is to be presented to facilitate decisions on equivalence under MRAs;
- Methodology for transmission of credentials - consider whether ACE could act as a Clearing House for its Member Organisations

7. Other business

- "Draft Disciplines on Domestic Regulation in the Architectural Sector" (view?)
- ACE response to Commission questionnaire - key issues
- Establishment of consultation network for dealing with consultations
- Alternatives to regulation (e.g. develop international standards within WTO?)
- Database on cross-border movement?
End of the agenda

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