Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 28 Ιανουαρίου 2009, Μαδρίτη


WG SIM- Ad Hoc WG on Competition issues

Meeting Workgroup Competition Law at Madrid on 28 January 2009

Dear all,

herewith I invite you for the first meeting of the workgroup Competition Law at Madrid, where CSCAE will host the workgroup. The address of CSCAE – Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de Espana - is:

Paseo de la Castillana 12, 4th Floor, E-28046 Madrid (Fon: 0034-91 435 2200).

The meeting will start at 11 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m.

Draft Agenda:

1.    Proceedings and reasons for the meeting
2.    Tour d’Horizon and analysis of the current situation
- Poland
- Romania
- Sovenia
- Germany
- Bulgaria
- Spain
3.    Complementation and revision of the ACE Guidance Document on Competition
4.    Revision of the ACE Codes of Conduct
5.    Installation of an ACE supporting network
6.    Development of a standard argumentation or text modules
7.    Further steps
8.    Miscellaneous

If you want to stay overnight, I recommend to book a room at one of the hotels listed below:

NH Sanvy Hotel  (very close to the CSCAE)
Goya, 3 (28001 Madrid)
Phone no.: (+34) 91 5760800
Fax no.: (+34) 91 5752443
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.nh-hoteles.es/nh/es/hoteles/espana/madrid/nh-sanvy.html

Tryp Ambassador **** (situated in the center of the old town)
Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 5 y 7 (28013 Madrid)
Phone no.: (34) 91 5416700
Fax no.: (34) 91 5591040
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://es.solmelia.com/hotel/tryp-ambassador.htm

Personally, I will spend the night from 28 to 29 January at the Tryp Ambassador

Please confirm your attendance to the ACE secretariat and copy me: [email protected]

Best regards

Wolfgang Haack





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