Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 19 Ιουλίου 2007, Βρυξέλλες


Agenda of the meeting of the ACE Work Group SIM

Thursday 19 July 2007 (10.30 - 16.40), at the Offices of the ACE, in Brussels

1. Apologies for absence

2. Notes of the meeting held in Brussels on 14 June 2007

3. Matters arising from the notes (not elsewhere on the agenda)

4. Matters arising from the ACE Coordination and Executive Board meetings

4.1 ACE statement on Lehtinen report and report on vote in IMCO
4.2 ACE Questionnaire to Member Organisations transposition of SIM
4.3 Commission questionnaire on Codes of Conduct and ACE response
4.4 Report from Insurance group
4.5 Report from the Cost Information Systems group
4.6 Report from Administrative Co-operation group (London meeting of 22/6)

5. Draft Guidance document for ACE Member Organisations - version of 04.07.07

6. Implementation of SIM in the Member States

6.1. further intelligence
6.2. establishment of mechanism for monthly up-dating

7. Any other business

8. Date & time of next meeting

Idp 05 July 200 ;
SIM agenda 19.07.07




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