Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2005, Βρυξέλλες


1. Apologies for absence and adoption of the agenda

2. Notes of the meeting held in London on 29 November 2004

3. Matters arising
3.1. meeting with E Ebhardt/M Frohlinge (6 December) – answers to questions listed AS

4. SIM – ACE interim position paper
- to note the interim position paper (version 3)
- development of succinct points aimed at politicians;
- development of detailed arguments aimed at officials

5. Review of Luxembourg Presidency consolidated version of SIM Directive LARG

6. Status of debate in Parliament – report on IMCO meeting of 18 JanuaryAS

7. Prioritisation of Outputs
outputs to be developed in the short-term
outputs to be developed in the long term

8. Reports from Rapporteurs (this will depend on the previous item e.g.
- Access
depending on what Pierre-Henri’s comparative list of registration requirements reveals, we will may/may not need to develop a view on whether further action is required to assist with free movement e.g. Central European Register, or internal EU MRA).
Action: short-term?
- Insurance
Three strands for development (view on mandatory insurance; contact with Mutuals re: provision of cover for cross border practice; harmonisation of liability.
Action: longer term?
- Cost information systems
Both aspects of the ‘twin-track’ approach to fees need to be developed (i.e. justification for statutory models, and consideration of value-based alternatives. Action: short-term
- Country of Origin principle
State ACE opposition to this; seek derogation for the whole construction industry? Develop architect-client contract allowing for an indication of which jurisdiction applies.
Action: short term
- Quality Charter
To be developed.
Action: longer term
- Other actions to assist movement or promote convergence e.g.
- Dispute Resolution
Action: medium term
- Codes of Conduct
Action: short term – if UIA model is used; though legal underpinning will take longer)
- ACE view on self-regulation vs. co-regulation
Action: medium-term

9. Other actions
9.1. seminar in Luxembourg (provisional date: 28 June)  AS
9.2. ACE Study – status report AS

10. Any other business
- Programme/critical path;  AS
- next steps e.g. meetings with BEUC, Malcolm Harbour AS

11. Date & time of next meeting


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