Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 16-18 Νοεμβρίου 2006, Βρυξέλλες



6th meeting of the Executive Board in 2006

Venue: Brussels, ACE Offices


Thursday 16th November, from 14h00 onwards followed by a dinner
Saturday 18th November, 13h00 to 15h30 (including lunch)     

Note: Because this meeting is being held on the eve of the Assembly, only those documents that are nor readily available in the Agenda of the Assembly (which can be downloaded through the links from the electronic version of the Agenda posted on the ACE web site) are circulated with this agenda.


1. Adoption of the Agenda

2. Review of the General Programme of the Assembly - Running and timing (notably timing of the special session with Guests on Saturday)

3. Review of the Assembly’s Agenda

Points requiring particular attention
- Item 4: ACE General Policies
Summit – Progress report – Next steps
EFAP – Review of developments and policy – Next steps
Cooperation with Eurocities (also in connection with item 8.2) – Decision
- Item 7: Thematic Area II
Consideration of response from DG Competition
Report on UIA PCC meeting in Melbourne (J. Wright)
Further clarification of the procurement work strand (explanations to be given in the Assembly) and issue of winding up of WG Procurement Methods
- Item 11: Internal Affairs
Changes to ACE By-laws and Procedures

4. Points not covered in the Assembly’s Agenda

- Report on meetings in Riga (AS) – To note
- Letter of support for EEL, Estonia
- Letter of support for LAS, Latvia
- Report on Skills Symposium in Leeds (AS) – Follow up
- Letter of support for OA, Portugal
- Future of the European Services Forum  and European Services Platform (letter from Lord Vallance)
- Decision on ACE membership of FOCOPE

5. Any other business

6. External meetings – Representations

- ECTP Assembly meeting, 21-22 November 2006, Versailles (Laszlo Miko, Adrian Joyce)
- ESF/133 Committee (Alain Sagne)
- Eurocities Urban Research Group and Conference & AGM, 22-24 November, Manchester (Olgierd Dziekonski?, Alain Sagne)
- Hearing Internal Market (Commission), 29 November, Brussels
- ECCREDI Council Meeting, 3 November, Brussels (Jean-Marie Fauconnier, Alain Sagne)
- Hous-Es Network (Urbact) seminar and meeting of ACE Work Group Urban Issues, 1-2 December, Milano (Olgierd Dziekonski?, Alain Sagne)
- European Services Forum Policy committee meeting, 4 December, Brussels (Alain Sagne)
- Meeting of UIA Region I, 8-9 December, London (Jean-Francois Susini)

- Conference "The economic case for professional services reform", 13 December, Brussels



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