Συνεδρίαση 4 Οκτωβρίου 2007, Βρυξέλλες

Venue: Offices of the ACE, Brussels
Date: 4th October 2007
Time: 14h30 to 18h30 followed by dinner at 20h00
1. Formalities
1.1 Apologies for absence
1.2 Introductions and new participants
1.3 Adoption of the Agenda
1.4 Adoption of Notes of CEO Meeting of 15th March 2007
2. Consideration of Framework for Future Terms of Reference
2.1 Participants
2.2 Objective of meetings
2.3 Proposed framework for meetings
2.4 Debate and recommendations to the Executive Board
3. Interface between the ACE and its Member Organisations
3.1 New website – initial reactions
3.2 Effective activation of the Network of Correspondents
3.3 Nomination process to ACE Work Groups
3.4 Review of current questionnaires:
3.4.1 Private procurement (housing)
3.4.2 Public Private Partnerships
3.4.3 Trade in Services (priority setting)
3.4.4 Points of Single Contact (SIM Directive)
3.4.5 Continued Professional development
3.4.6 Professional Experience (systems in each EU country)
3.5 Forum on Administrative Cooperation
3.5.1 Background and work to date
3.5.2 Next meeting – Bucharest, 19th October
3.6 Sector Study – Report on current status and consolidation of results of phase 1
4. ACE Conference 2008
4.1 Presentation of Conference outline and Provisional Programme of the Event
4.2 Active support and contributions of ACE Member Organisations
4.3 Next steps
5. Outline of upcoming General Assembly
5.1 Special session on 1st December on PPP and Energy Efficiency
6. Any other business
(NB: Participants are requested to submit topics in writing prior to the meeting in so far as possible)
7. Next meeting
Αρχή σελίδας