ACE Info 8.06
ACE Info
The electronic note from the Architects' Council of Europe
Issue 8-06
English version
Welcome to final issue of ACE Info in 2006. On this occasion, the full team of the ACE, both elected and working in the Secretariat, wish you a New Year 2007 that is full of success and we assure you that the ACE will continue to carry high the colours of architecture and the banner of architects.
This issue is also available in French.
Core Issues
President Barroso will be the Patron of the ACE Summit 2007
Initial preparations for the ACE Summit on the theme of “Designing the Future: The market and quality of life”, planned for November 2007, are gathering pace. A significant development is the formal confirmation, that the initiative will be placed under the patronage of Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission. This patronage reflects the high importance of the theme of the Summit and its relevance to EU policies. It gives a boost to the ACE in its conviction that more effort to achieve balance in the accomplishment of the Lisbon Agenda is essential to the sustainable future of the EU when it comes to ensuring a quality agenda for the citizen in the built environment.
The ACE Organising Committee is working on the preliminary programme and on the identification of the speakers to take part in the Summit. It is planned to release a first draft of the Programme early in January 2007 and ACE Info will regularly report on developments during the lead-up to the Summit.
Services Directive – Adopted by Council
On the 11th December last, the Council adopted the draft Directive on Services in the Internal Market with Lithuania and Belgium abstaining, thus bringing to a close the co-decision process for this proposal. This followed the adoption of the draft Directive by the European Parliament, at Second Reading, on the 15th November last by a comfortable majority. Just three amendments to the Commissions revised proposal were included during the Second reading, all referring to the comitology procedures to ensure that this Directive allows for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. These procedural amendments do not affect the architectural profession directly and will allow the Parliament the power to scrutinise decisions of the regulatory committee in the future. This is in line with the recently adopted (July 2007) amended procedures for regulatory committees.
In a communication subsequently adopted by the Commission on the 16th November 2006, the Commission confirmed its acceptance of the amendments to its revised proposal. It can therefore be anticipated that the official publication of the Directive will take place early in 2007.
It is therefore time for the ACE to begin to take concrete pro-active steps to prepare its Member Organisations for the transposition of the Directive, notably in respect of the chapter on quality of services, which offers opportunities to further promote quality in architectural services. The ACE Work Group on the Services Directive will be undertaking this work over the coming months.
To see the adopted text and the confirmation of the Commission that it accepts the Parliaments amendments, go to: http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/services/services-dir/proposal_en.htm
The European Energy Council Unanimously Approves the Action Plan on Energy Efficiency
On the 23rd November last, the EU Energy Council unanimously adopted conclusions on energy efficiency and energy savings that were based on the Commissions’ Action Plan on Energy Efficiency released late in October. The Council referred to these conclusions as forming a cornerstone of the energy policy of the EU. The Action Plan contains a package of 75 measures that are to be implemented over the coming six years and that are expected to deliver energy savings of 20% at Community level by the year 2020. Within the measures were a number of priorities that affect the built environment such as a commitment to revise the provisions of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) so as to reduce the threshold for the renovation of buildings (that currently stands at 1,000 square metres) “significantly”, the improvement of energy efficiency in urban areas through a “Covenant of mayors” and new energy performance standards for different product groups such as boilers, TVs, lighting etc.
The ACE Work Group on the Environment and Sustainable Architecture has carried out an initial appraisal of measures proposed in the Action Plan and it is expected that the Work Group will recommend actions to the ACE that will allow it to influence the manner in which the Action Plan will be implemented.
A review of the actual implementation of the EPBD took place at the beginning of December during an informal meeting of the Energy Demand Management Committee established to assist the Commission on the implementation of the Directive.
To download the Action Plan, go to: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/action_plan_energy_efficiency/index_en.htm
ACE Matters
New President for the Cyprus Architects Association
The ACE has been informed that Mr. Constantinos Marathefitis is the new President of its Cypriot Member Organisation, the Cyprus Architects Association (CAA). He has also been nominated to be the Head of Delegation for the CAA to the ACE. For further information about the CAA and its activities, go to: http://www.architecture.org.cy/content/home.php?section=0&page=index&lang=gr&a=1
The Federal Chamber of Architects, Germany Launches a new Service through NAX
The Federal Chamber of Architects, Germany (BAK) runs a network of the export of architectural services known as NAX and it has recently launched a new free service for architects of all countries. It is now possible to publish information on vacant jobs on the NAX website. The service is free and allows architects, urban planners, graduates and students who have international experience, to publish information on themselves for potential employers to access. Also those seeking to employ experienced persons may post vacancies on the website.
To find out more or to use the service go to: http://www.architekturexport.de/site/1575/default.aspx
ACE Events and Meetings in January and February 2007:
Work Group Cost Information Systems – 17th January – Brussels
Meeting with Insurance Mutuals (re. Services Directive) – 18th January - Brussels
Executive Board Meeting 1/07 – 19th and 20th January – Brussels
Work Group Services in the Internal Market – 26th January – Brussels
Procurement of Architectural Services/Architectural Competitions, Coordination Meeting – 26th and 27th January – Brussels
General information meeting on European Forum for Architectural Policies – 15th February, Brussels
General Coordination Meeting 1/07 – 16th February – Brussels
Joint Working Party (with EAAE) – 23rd February - Brussels
Other Matters
Reasoned Opinions Sent to Ten Member States Concerning Application of the EPBD
The European Commission sent, on the 12th October last, reasoned opinions to Belgium, the Czech Republic, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Finland, the United Kingdom and Slovenia for failing to notify sufficient national implementing measures under the 2002 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). If the Commission does not receive satisfactory responses from these countries within two months, it will refer the matter to the Court of Justice. Failure to implement the provisions of the Directive can be considered a serious matter as the EPBD is one of the main instruments on which the EU is relying to improve the energy performance (and efficiency) of buildings.
German Presidency puts Architectural Quality high on its Political Agenda
On the 4th December during a meeting at the German Representation in Brussels the policy for urban development that the German Presidency will develop during the first half of 2007 was presented. In particular, some important planned events must be highlighted: there will be an informal Ministerial meeting in Leipzig, on 24th and 25th May, on urban development and on the Territorial Agenda, respectively. Various documents were handed out on that occasion, including a general document entitled “Key issues for urban development of the German Presidency in the first half of 2007” and the text of the draft Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities. During the meeting on urban development it is intended that the Ministers of the EU-27 will adopt the Leipzig Charter and conclusions. The draft of the charter is currently undergoing a process of stakeholders’ consultation. In the draft Charter reference has been made to recommendations of the European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP) that will be issued at a forthcoming EFAP event in Hamburg (26/27 April), also organised by the German Presidency, and notably one can read in the document: “architecture and building culture play a special role ... High quality architecture will strengthen people’s identification with their neighbourhoods and make them more attractive”.
Parliament Adopts Report on the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment (TSUE)
On the 26th September last, the European Parliament adopted an own-initiative report on the TSUE that was adopted by the Commission in January 2006. The Parliament stated that, although it believes that the TSUE is a very good thing, it does not go far enough due to the lack of legally binding measures and deadlines in the adopted TSUE. The Parliamentary report urged more use of environment-friendly modes of transport, the implementation of sustainable urban management programmes and sustainable urban transport programmes in all agglomerations with more than 100,000 inhabitants.
The report echoed the concerns of the ACE that were communicated to the Commission following the publication of the TSUE (see ACE Info 1/06 and 4/06). It remains to be seen if this critical report by the Parliament has any effect. It is worth noting that a reference has been made to the TSUE in the document of the upcoming German Presidency on urban development mentioned above.
To read the report, go to: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2006-0367+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN
Commission Plans a Report on the Single Market
The European commission is currently working on a report on the “Single Market in the 21st Century” that is expected to be issued in 2007. According to the summary of responses that were received to a Commission consultation on the future of the Single Market (1,514 submissions were made), the Single Market plays a crucial role in meeting Europe’s current challenges but it needs to be improved. The Commission has identified five particular areas for focus in the future: 1) fostering more market entry and innovation 2) better regulation 3) better implementation and enforcement 4) taking better account of the global context and 5) more information and communication.
The report is available at: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/strategy/index_en.htm
Parliament Adopts the Controversial REACH Regulation
At the Second Reading on the 13th December 2006, the European Parliament adopted, in Second Reading, the controversial REACH Regulation on the registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals. This was possible due to a compromise that had been agreed on the 1st December between the various groupings in the Parliament. It seems that the main element of the regulation – the reversal of the burden of proof onto the shoulders of industry – has been preserved in the final text. Environmental groups has expressed concern that the compromise waters down a significant proportion of the main provisions of the regulation after intense pressure from the chemicals industry lobby, but they welcome the fact that it represents a step forward to a more responsible society. Much will depend on the success of the new European Chemicals Agency that will be set up in Helsinki to monitor the implementation of the regulation and the beneficial effects of the regulation are not going to be felt for several years. To consult the EURACTIV dossier on REACH go to: http://www.euractiv.com/en/environment/chemicals-policy-review-reach/article-117452
New President for the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC)
At its recent General Assembly, the FIEC elected French contractor, Prof. Daniel Tardy as President of the FIEC for the period 2006-2008. He succeeds German contractor Senator E.h. Dipl.-Kfm. Wilhelm Kuchler in the post. Prof. Tardy has been involved, for many years, in the representation of the interests of the construction industry as Vice-President of the FIEC and Chairman of its Economic and Legal Commission from 2000-2006 and he has also served as President of the Federation Nationale des Travaux Publics in France from 1998-2005. For more information on FIEC and its acticities: http://www.fiec.org
Building in Safety – 2 Years After
This event was held in the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee in September and was the follow-up event to the Bilbao summit on safety in construction. It reviewed the various actions that have been undertaken by the signatories of the Bilbao Declaration and saw the launch of the ACE/EFCA guide for designers on the issues that arise in the design of projects for architects and other designers. Information on this very successful event, in which the ACE was centrally involved, and copies of the various presentations that were made can be accessed at the following website: http://ew2004.osha.europa.eu/closingevent/september.2006
“Towards Class A” Award for Best Municipal Communication Campaign on Energy Efficiency
At a special ceremony held in Riga (Latvia) on the 26th October last, the municipalities of Bristol (UK), Brasov (Romania) and Lille (France) received this year’s Display® “Towards Class A” Award for their exemplary municipal communication strategies contributing to the Display® European climate change campaign. The Swiss city of Lausanne received a “special jury prize” from the international jury.
For further details and information on the call for the 2007 Award, go to: http://display-campaign.org/rubrique42.html
PEP-Net, a New Network in the Field of Eco-Building Technologies
The ProEcoPolyNet (PEP-Net) project consists of the creation of a dedicated network for the promotion of RTD results in the interlinked fields of eco-buildings, small polygeneration and renewable heating and cooling technologies. The main objectives of the project are to stimulate and facilitate the transfer and uptake of knowledge by target groups in the referred field and it will put a particular focus on promotion and dissemination sp as to ensure market penetration of these technologies. The project is scheduled to run for two years and it has thirteen partners from nine different EU countries.
More information can be accessed at: http://www.proecopolynet.net/
ESPON I (2002-2006) and II (2007-2013)
ESPON is a research programme that concentrates on territorial issues and development. The programme functions around a series of calls (around 35 in ESPON I) based on thematic calls to which international consortia reply. Among the themes proposed in ESPON I were issues about polycentric cities, urban-rural relationships, demography and migration, impact of environmental policies, Europe and the world and so on. ESPON was created in the aftermath and in the context of the implementation of the European Spatial Development Perspective, back in 1999, whose principles also largely inspired the new generation of Structural Funds.
ESPON II will be launched in the context of the evolution of the concept of the European territory in which the forces of the market, the concentration of people and activities and the increase in the cost of energy all weight heavily on the sustainable development of Europe. Further reading and information can be found at: http://www.espon.eu/ where the results of ESPON I can also be accessed.
New President for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
The successor to Anne-Marie Sigmund as President of the EESC is the Greek, Dimitrios Dimitriadis, from Group I (Employers) who was a Vice-President before. He will serve for the period October 2006-October 2008 and is the former President of the EESC Budget Group. In his inaugural address on the 26th October last, he outline his presidential programme entitled “Entrepreneurship with a Human face” which will seek to create a competitiveness-friendly environment for European entrepreneurs by cutting red tape. He also said that the EESC could play an important role in the attempt to bring citizens closer to the institutions of the EU by, for example, backing the developments of a network of civil society measures to implement the Lisbon Strategy.
The ACE enjoyed particularly good relations with the EESC under the Presidency of Mrs. Sigmund and it hopes that this will continue under the Presidency of Mr. Dimitriadis.
Build-for-All Reference Manual Launched at Unique Parliamentary Event
On Wednesday November 15th at the European parliament in Strasbourg, the Reference Manual on the inclusion of accessibility criteria in calls for tender for works under the EU Public Procurement directives was launched at a joint meeting of three Parliamentary Intergroups. The three Intergroups that supported this launch were the Intergroup Urban:Logement, the Intergroup on Disability and the Intergroup on Ageing. The event marked the first time that such a cooperation between three Intergroups took place and it underlined the horizontal nature and importance of the document that the partners of the “Build-for-All” project produced. The ACE, as a partner in the project, was instrumental in organising the event in the European Parliament and it had a significant role in preparing the technical information included in the Reference Manual for which it relied on the input of its nominated expert, Mrs. Ewa Kurlowicz from Poland.
The Reference Manual is available in English (original version), German, Italian, Polish, Spanish and French and can be downloaded from the project website at: http://www.build-for-all.net/
European Parliament Adopts the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7)
On the 30th November last, the European Parliament adopted, in Second Reading, the FP7 for the EU for the period 2007-2013. This followed a period of nearly two years of negotiations, 2,000 amendments of which 700 were put to the vote and it has been hailed as a great day for the EU by the Commissioner responsible for Research, Mr. Janez Potocnik. This opens the way for the ambitious FP7 to start on schedule with the first calls for projects under the various Thematic Programmes expected to be launched on or about the 22nd December 2006. The ACE has been tracking the progress towards the writing of the various programmes through its involvement in the European Construction Technology Platform and it is currently seeking to identify specific opportunities for the architectural profession to benefit from the funding that will be available under the FP7.
For full information on the FP7 go to: http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/home_en.html
In parallel with the adoption of the FP7 by the Parliament, the Commission will shortly issue a call for experts to assist it in the evaluations that will be necessary as part of the decisions on which proposals to approve. If you are interested in being nominated as an expert and in having the opportunity to be involved and earn some remuneration for your time and effort, check out the following site over the coming weeks: https://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7
New President and Vice-President for EUROCITIES
Gerard Collomb, Senator-Mayor of Lyon, France, was elected as new President of EUROCITIES at its Annual General Assembly held in Manchester, UK, from the 22nd to the 25th November last. Wim Deetman, Mayor of the Hague, The Netherlands, was elected as Vice-President and he is expected to take over the Presidency in two years time.
At the same conference the new Chairs and Vice-Chairs for the various Forums in which the work of the organisation is carried out was decided. The responsibility of leading work in EUROCITIES always falls on a city and the new leaders of work are as follows:
Forum |
Chair |
Vice-Chair |
Culture |
Nottingham, UK |
Amsterdam. NL |
Economic Development |
Budapest, HU |
The Hague, NL |
Environment |
Gothenburg, SE |
Oslo, NOR |
Knowledge Society |
Bologna, IT |
Amaroussion, GR |
Mobility |
Copenhagen, DK |
London, UK |
Social Affairs |
Rotterdam, NL |
Newcastle, UK |
It is also worth underlining that the ACE has been significantly enhancing its cooperation over the last year with EUROCITIES as an Organisation and, in particular, with several of its Working Groups, notably on Urban Research an on Responsible Procurement.
For more on the EUROCITIES Network, go to: http://www.eurocities.org
Details of how the URBACT II Programme will operate and what its main objectives will be are emerging following the recent publication, by the Commission, of its Communication entitled “Regions for economic change”. The report was endorsed by a meeting of the Ministers of the EU Member states responsible for regional policy at a meeting on the 22nd November with Commissioner Hubner. The URBACT II Programme, which will have significantly increased resources, will foster exchanges between cities within the framework of the Cohesion Policy of the EU. Within the cities the role of URBACT II will be to actively accompany the Lisbon Strategy guidelines and to promote the implementation of economic modernisation and competitiveness objectives as part of the operational programmes of the Cohesion Policy. The Commission will also give cities the opportunity to exchange on the key themes of the Cohesion Policy in a programme called the Urban Development Network Programme whose objective will be to have a real impact on the implementation of urban policies. In the same policy area ACE Info readers will be already aware of the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) whose global portal website on urban issues, in particular, is an ever growing useful source of information notably to facilitate dissemination of good practice (see also below).
Further reading and information on URBACT can be found at: http://urbact.eu/
Economy of Culture in Europe
This report of a Study carried out by Kern European Affairs for the EU Commission makes interesting reading. It clearly sets out the economic benefits that cultural activities bring to the general economy. Of particular interest is the fact that it covers both culture and creative industries and architecture is included as a creative industry. The report can be downloaded at: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/eac/sources_info/studies/economy_en.html
The State of the Urban Environment in Europe
This report of a recent study carried out by the Association “Ambiente Italia” assessed the urban environment in 26 major European cities, focussing specifically on local problem-solving capacity. It looks at issues such as air quality, water consumption, waste management, green spaces, mobility, urban management and greenhouse gas emissions. Overall the study shows a general contrast between northern and southern cities. To download the report go to: http://www.ambienteitalia.it/chisiamo_engl/pdf/Urban%20Ecosystem_EU2006.pdf
Les Aventuriers de l’Architecture
Published by Bleus et originaux this cartoon book is an animated adventure through which the crucial role of architecture in today’s society is exposed. More information on how to order a copy (French only) by writing to the following address: dlabouri@club-internet.fr
Urban Sprawl in Europe – The ignored challenge
This report has been produced by the European Environment Agency and it looks at the origins, drivers and impacts of urban sprawl on the environment and society at large. The report concludes that the EU needs policies to co-ordinate and control urban planning and comes very timely. It can be downloaded at: http://reports.eea.europa.eu/eea_report_2006_10/en/eea_report_10_2006.pdf
LIFE in the City – Innovative Solutions for Europe’s Urban Environment
This brochure has been produced by the European Commission and it describes the main outcomes of projects supported by the LIFE III Programme of the EU, concentrating on Urban issues. It can be downloaded from: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/infoproducts/urban/urban_lr.pdf
LEnSE Project Publishes First Stepping Stone Brochure
LEnSE is aa European research project that responds to the growing need in Europe for assessing a buildings’ sustainability performance. It has recently published its first “Stepping Stone” brochure that summarises the interim findings of the project and which gives an outlook for future developments. It can be downloaded at: http://www.lensebuildings.com/downloads/LEnSE%20Stepping%20Stone%201.pdf
UIA Turin 2008 – Congress Website Opens
The next triennial UIA (International Union of Architects) Congress is to be held in Turin from the 29th June to the 3rd July 2008 at the Lingotto, once the main factory for Fiat and converted in recent times to a convention centre by the well-renowned architect Renzo Piano. The website for the Congress has now been opened at: http://www.uia2008torino.org/
European Union Sustainable Energy Week 2007
The week of the 29th January to the 2nd February 2007 has been chosen as the European Union Sustainable Energy Week 2007. It is the first such event and will feature a high number of events in several countries of the EU, though mainly concentrated in Brussels. It is a major initiative within the Sustainable Energy Campaign 2005-2008 that represents a continuous communication effort aimed at inspiring European citizens to be smart in using energy. In particular, during that week the 3rd Energy Performance of Buildings Platform Plenary Meeting with Umbrella Organisations will be held on Wednesday 31st January 2007. To find out more and to see the programme of events organised for the wee, go to: http://www.eusew.eu/
Listing of events relating to Urban Issues
The European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) maintains a very good listing of events that relate to urban issues on its website, many of which are interest to architects. It can be accessed at: http://www.eukn.org/eukn/meetings/index.html
Calls for Papers
The ACE frequently receives notifications of “Calls for Papers” for conferences and seminars worldwide. You may have written a thesis or doctorate paper that you would like to present or you may have an idea that you wish develop and to share with a wider audience – here is your chance:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings
In connection with the 2nd International Workshop on Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings to be held on Milos Island, Greece on the 12th and 13th July 2007, a call for papers has been launched by the organisers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is the 28th February 2007 and full details can be found at: http://milos.conferences.gr/index.php?id=3804&L=1
3rd European Solar Thermal Energy Conference (ESTEC)
An invitation to submit papers on the themes for the 3rd ESTEC Conference to be held in Freiburg, Germany on the 19th and 20th June 2007 has been launched with a deadline for submission of abstracts set on the 8th January 2007. For full details go to: http://www.estec2003.org/2007/cfa_topic_categories.asp
Healthy Air – Better Work 2007
In connection with a Conference on this topic to be held in Helsinki from the 29th to the 31st May 2007, a call for the submission of papers has been launched. Full details on the format and topics on which papers can be prepared for submission can be found at: http://www.ttl.fi/Internet/English/Information/International+meetings+and+symposia/WorkAir+2007/Instructions+for+contributors.htm
The Second Living Steel International Architectural Competition for Sustainable Housing
Approved by the UIA, this competition is open to architects from around the world and it presents an opportunity for architects to bring to life their vision for innovative and responsible housing design and construction. The total prize fund is €300,000 with €50,000 for each winning design and €10,000 honorarium for other finalists. Expressions of interest to participate in the competition must be submitted online before 12th January 2007 at: http://www.livingsteel.org/new-competition
Online Database of Architectural Competitions
Summary of current competitions: www.arplus.com/competition/competiton.htm
Useful links
European Commission homepage http://ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm
Search page for Commission documents http://europa.eu/documents/comm/index_en.htm
The Barroso Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/index_en.htm
Website of the German Presidency http://www.eu2007.de/info/en/
Website of the Finnish Presidency http://www.eu2006.fi
European Forum for Architectural Policies http://www.architecture-forum.net
Sustainable building website www.sustainablebuilding.info
Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) international relations database: http://www.coac.net/international/
Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori (CNAPPC) database - ArchiEuro: http://www.archieuro.archiworld.it
Website of the European Construction Technology Platform: http://www.ectp.org
EU Impact Assessment in Practice
Consult a list of impact assessments that the EU has carried out on various legislative packages at: http://ec.europa.eu/comm/secretariat_general/impact/index_en.htm
Register of Expert Groups of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/comm/secretariat_general/regexp/
ArchiEuropa website – comparative information on practice of architecture: http://www.arvha.net/selectionlang.php?s=AXMIG1FZFB
Archi-Student website – a wealth of information on schools and students of architecture in Europe: www.archi-students.org
Link to the Newsletter of the International Union of Architects (UIA): http://www.uia-architectes.org/texte/england/Menu-2/4-lettre.html
Website of the UIA Practice Commission – contains useful information on the work of the global architectural association, UIA, on practice related issues: www.aia.org/about_uia
ACE Website: http://www.ace-cae.org
Useful tip:
In the website addresses given in ACE Info for the documents of the EU, you will frequently see the following near the end of the address: “_en”. These two letters define the language of the document (English in the case of “en”) and you can usually change these two letters in order to bring you to a different language version as follows:
French _fr German _de Danish _da Swedish _sv
Italian _it Spanish _es Greek _el Dutch _nl
Portuguese _pt Finnish _fi Czech _cs Maltese _mt
Estonian _et Latvian _lv Lithuanian _lt Polish _pl
Hungarian _hu Slovene _sl Slovak _sk
Editor’s note
The editorial board for the compilation of ACE Info is:
The ACE President: Jean-Francois Susini
The ACE Vice-President Luciano Lazzari
The Secretary General of the ACE: Alain Sagne
Senior Adviser to the ACE: Adrian Joyce
ACE Info is issued on a regular basis, with about ten editions per year. You are free to circulate the document as widely as you wish, to translate its contents for use in your publications and to refer to the information it contains once you credit the ACE as the origin.
If you wish to receive ACE Info regularly and you are not on the mailing list, you can register online at: http://www.ace-cae.org/Public/fsPublicNetwork_EN.html
If you have information that you wish to have included in the next edition then e-mail it (in English or French please) to adrian.joyce@ace-cae.org. The deadline for submissions is the first Friday of each month.
The editorial board wishes to acknowledge the sources of information for this edition of ACE Info which include EUROCITIES, the FIEC, the European Urban Knowledge Network, the Euractiv website (www.euractiv.com) and Bulletin Quotidien Europe.
mailto:adrian.joyce@ace-cae.org - Comments and contributions welcome
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